Service Quality Award 2009 for Silver Bird and Blue Bird

Published On 17 May 2009

Service Quality Award 2009 for Silver Bird and Blue Bird

Silver Bird and Blue Bird once again have received the highest recognition in the Service Quality Award 2009. This prestigious award was achieved based on the hard work and cooperation of all of us, in particular the front liners, namely, the drivers, call center, CRC, dispatchers as well as the entire management and back offices. Thank you to everyone!

This message was conveyed by Mr. Kresna Priawan Djokosoetono, Vice President for Audit of Blue Bird Group when receiving the Service Quality Award 2009 on behalf of Silver Bird and Blue Bird at Mulia Hotel Senayan on May 7th, 2009. Furthermore, Mr. Priawan Djokosoetono stressed the importance of not getting carried away with the award. “Indeed this is a matter of pride for all of us. However, we also should not be too complacent, because our competitors are not just going to sit back and watch. They are also going to struggle to wrest it from us. The challenge in the future will be to work harder to maintain it. Because, to maintain that level is more difficult than winning the prize. If we make the smallest mistake it can ruin our good name,” he said.

The Service Quality Award 2009 was hosted by Marketing magazine in cooperation with the Center for Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty (CCSL). According to Marketing Chief Editor PJ Rahmat Susanta, the award is based on the Indonesian Service Quality Index, which measures various elements of service quality in 26 industry categories. Accessibility, process, people, handling complaints, and quality output are all the measurement parameters. These variables are maintained consistently so that the companies can benchmark themselves from year to year, he explained. (admin)

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