First Award for Blue Bird Taxi Pekanbaru

Published On 15 Apr 2013

First Award for Blue Bird Taxi Pekanbaru

Less than one year in operation, the Blue Bird taxi Pekanbaru already reaping the achievements won the award for Best Champion Taxi Operators of MarkPlus Insight Pekanbaru in Pekanbaru implementation of Service Excellence Award (PkSEA) 2013 (11/4) at Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru.

“We are very proud of the accomplishments that we have achieved today. Blue Bird taxi chosen as the winner and we also like to thank the community for their trust Pekanbaru to us.”
The award is given directly by Hermawan Kartajaya as President & Founder MarkPlus and he said that this award is based on the results of a survey of respondents in Pekanbaru.

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