Pelayanan Prima Utama Award 2012

Published On 17 Oct 2012

Pelayanan Prima Utama Award 2012

PT Blue Bird receive an award that has been providing ‘Quality Service, Service Unit Public Transport Sector in 2012’, category Passenger Transport Taxi Service of the Ministry of Transportation. The award was handed over by the Minister of Transport Affairs, EE Mangindaan to the Director of Blue Bird Group, dr. H. Purnomo Prawiro, Jakarta, Tuesday (16/10). The program is held every two years.

Transportation Minister EE Mangindaan said, with the election of prime services unit, is expected to generate innovation and creativity in the service manager. “The community continues to grow, so does the technology. Therefore, managers should keep creative services in order to remain credible. Blue Bird had been already done that (the innovation), and we are as the regulator greatly appreciate the efforts of Blue Bird,” said transportation minister, EE Mangindaan

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