Blue Bird Taxi Medan Medan won Tourism Awards 2012

Published On 07 Dec 2012

Blue Bird Taxi Medan Medan won Tourism Awards 2012

Located at the Convention Hall Santika Dyandra, Blue Bird Taxi get an appreciation, this time the award is given by the Mayor of Medan, Rahudman Harahap Night event “Medan Tourism Awards 2012”. Blue Bird Taxi was awarded “Transportation Company of the Year 2012”, the award was received by the head of the Blue Bird management field. On that occasion the Blue Bird Field Management would like to thank all those who have worked hard and support the Blue Bird taxi from the beginning of its existence in the city of Medan and eventually selected as Transportation Company Of The Year 2012.

Head of Culture and Tourism Field Bursal Manan as Chairman of Steering Committee Award Night 2012 Tourims Medan said that the event was held as a token of appreciation for all those who have been consistently supporting and promoting tourism in the city of Medan. Self-assessment has been carried out since the date of 23 November to 5 December 2012 by a team from various circles. Team itself an election in 10 categories such as transportation, hotels, Travel Agents, Restaurant, Restaurants, attractions, media, and culture and art figures.

Medan mayor in his speech expects the presence of an event like this can evoke the spirit of the men and women so that tourism can later become the city of Medan city tour mainly as a culinary city. Medan’s government itself has made various arrangements such as arranging Wildlife Sri Deli a culinary garden, took over the park Lili Suheri to be managed in a professional and ask hotel in Medan to always present a local TV show in support of Medan city tour.

Adhi Sarwanto Soewarno revealed that Blue Bird Taxis are always supporting the tourism city of Medan, one of the real support Blue Bird taxis can be seen in the support field campaigns Tourism Field Visit 2012, the public can see that now in the rear view mirror entire fleet of Blue Bird Taxi Medan no sticker that read “This Is Medan, Medan Visit 2012”. “This is a testament to our support of Tourism Field Visit 2012 program,” he said.

For the Blue Bird Taxi Medan, Medan Tourism Award 2012 is the third award in the period since the previous operation in the field after getting the award for best Public Transport in Chief Kris Tourism Awards 2011 and the Field Service Excellence Award (MSEA) 2012 for the category of Markplus Taxi Inc.

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