Best Quality Beats Price, Blue Bird Group garners ISSI and IMAC Award

Published On 18 May 2008

Best Quality Beats Price, Blue Bird Group garners ISSI and IMAC Award

Despite the low-price strategies offered by several competitors in the market, Blue Bird Group is still the number one choice to fulfilling customer’s needs for reliable transportation services. The fact has once again been proven with the company’s winning awards at both the 2008 Indonesian Service Satisfaction Index (ISSI) and Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies (IMAC) Awards.

The 2008 ISSI, organized by MARKETING magazine in corporation with Carre (Center for Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty), appreciates company’s efforts in giving satisfaction for customers. Meanwhile the 2008 IMAC was organized by Frontier Consulting Group with Business Week magazine of Indonesia.

In this competitive era, a company or service provider needs to continue developing its service quality. Customers can determine, judge, and evaluate which companies will be winners and which will lose out in the competition. In other words, customers are kings and are fundamental to the company’s growth.

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