A Partnership Between Blue Bird Group and 7-Eleven to Provide a 24 hours Blue Bird Taxi Booking Service

Published On 15 Apr 2013

A Partnership Between Blue Bird Group and 7-Eleven to Provide a 24 hours Blue Bird Taxi Booking Service

Booking Blue Bird Group taxis not only over the phone or through the application, but it can also be done at the 7-Eleven outlets. “For all 7-Eleven outlets will be provided in the form of a tablet device at each cash register to make a booking Blue Bird Group taxi. Consumers just go to 7-Eleven cashier to call a taxi and the cashier will make a reservation through the tablet device is set addresses pickup. Then, when the cab is available then visitors will get a receipt along with booking taxi numbers would pick up. In addition, 7-Eleven customers can also view a digital map the position of the cab of the tablet, so that they can predict when a taxi is coming. While waiting for the taxi to come, visitors can enjoy a cup of coffee or other foods at 7-Eleven, “said Noni.

The collaboration between the two brands, the Blue Bird Group and 7-Eleven, a mutually beneficial collaboration. “We want to provide convenience, comfort and even safety for all consumers. This taxi booking service would be certainly much needed facility consumers. Now the 7-Eleven visitors need not worry and hassle again if had to come home late and not driving or even do not need to bring a personal vehicle again. Simply by booking a taxi at 7-Eleven cashier and use Blue Bird taxi, ” by Henri Honoris, President Director of PT Modern Putra Indonesia.

Cooperation Blue Bird taxi booking service 24 hours in all 7-Eleven outlets begins at 7-Eleven outlets Trunojoyo since March 1, 2013 and is now available in 23 7-Eleven outlets. By the end of May 2013 this service will be available in all 7-Eleven outlets and can be enjoyed by all consumers 7-Eleven in Jakarta and surrounding areas.

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